Here we go again, Sheriff Joe in Arizona is bringing forward more strong evidence that Marxist Obama is not qualified by Law to be elected to any office in any State (Illinois) in these united States, much less the U.S. Senate, or the office of President. The Jew controlled national news outlets will probably again not cover this powerful news conference by Sheriff Joe. But what can one expect from communists who control the national news outlets. They play the harlot for the Jews in all aspects to keep any truth and real news from the masses.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
BREAKING NEWS! July 17th, 2012, OBAMA to be exposed as Fraudulent President!
On July 17th a press conference is scheduled to be held in Arizona. Literally, piles and piles of evidence will be presented exposing the Fraud of the ObamaNation "presidency!" Proof that most of us already know - America under siege by an illegal usurper now serving as Commander in Chief of the United States of America.