Here is a true report by a Black himself informing you of what the Jew controlled Communist main stream media refuses to inform you about in Houston, Texas going on at this time. Enjoy and share!! Fake news my ass, it's the Jew COMMUNIST main stream media.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
I am in Houston. The blacks started looting last night so the mayor
has declared a curfew for tonight. Hope they come to my door instead of
some helpless family not prepared to greet them properly...
P.S If you watch the video below there is profanity the last thirty
seconds so just quit at that point and you won't hear it.
My lecture that you will hear below exposes the Jew Communist Sovietizing of the United States. Allow yourself to get out of the present Communist Political, and religious box and listen to the truth for once. I'm sure you'll be able to put the pieces together. Please advise others to come and listen to this extremely important information concerning the destruction of our country from within.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
"The Sovietizing of America"
14 April 2003
Part One
The Jew and Black Communist Movement in the U.S.
The DVD has been divided into 6 parts of approximately 16 minutes each. These are .mp4's and are full quality videos that are suitable for building new DVD's.
Click Link Below
The Black and Jew Communist Movement in the U.S.