Hidden in Antarctica a Naval Officer tells us Exactly
What He Saw
Interview by Linda Moulton Howe
Published on Mar 2, 2017
A truly shocking and astonishing
video on extremely strange events in the Antarctic. A naval officer tells us
what he remembers, including seeing a huge opening in the ice in a no-fly area
they were crossing with a medical emergency on board.
Then he ferried a group
of scientists who had disappeared for two weeks, and has specifically been
warned not to refer again to this subject. As he put it, "they looked
scared." When they returned to McMurdo, their gear was isolated and they
were flown back to Christchurch, New Zealand in a special plane.
He discusses what he saw and experienced in detail. This is the most provocative story about what is going on in Antarctica ever presented anywhere.
He discusses what he saw and experienced in detail. This is the most provocative story about what is going on in Antarctica ever presented anywhere.