Imagine what America would be like for everyone remaining in the U.S. if what you read below actually took place? If all Blacks would leave the U.S. for another place or country to live for better benefits and be able to live and exist within their own racial culture and habits. Maybe France, one of the Black nations on the African continent, or perhaps even the Eskimo's on the north pole would take them.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
- The prison population would go down by 37%,
- There would be 53% less gang members,
- Obesity percent would drop 11%,
- Average IQ would go up 7.4 points, putting us 3rd in the world tied with Japan,
- Average SAT scores would go up almost 100 points,
- Average ACT scores would go up 5.5 points.
- AIDS & HIV would go down by 65%,
- Chlamydia cases would go down 54%,
- Gonorrhea would go down 69%,
- Syphilis would go down 58%.
- The average income for Americans would go up over $20,000 a year,
- Amount of people in poverty would drop 34%,
- Homelessness would go down 57%,
- Welfare recipients would go down by 42%,
And hundreds if not thousands of criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of work?
Sad to say, Black lives do matter, but to who?