I have warned you to what was about to happen in the U.S. financially, when China would introduce their gold asset backed currency script money. Actually, what is going to crush the United States is that the U.S. has been functioning with a worthless private FED (not part of the U.S. Treasury) script money, backed by nothing but lies, hot air, and B.S. from the Jews who own and control the private FED central bank in the U.S.. The United States had gold and silver back script U.S. Treasury bills long ago, before the Jew central bank stole all the gold and silver. Tens of trillions of worthless "U.S." script money is going to be dumped by nations all over the world, including China, that will come back to haunt the United States and everyone in it as well as our lifestyle. It will be worse than horrible! The fault is not China, they are just protecting their country with a partial gold back asset currency ... and also protecting themselves from accepting worthless FED "dollars" any longer in payment of anything. The total fault is the JEW funny money of their private FED central bank that is worthless and has NO value. All the countries of the world are tired of being financially blackmailed by the Jew money masters of deceit. Again, what is about to happen ... you can lay at the feet of the Jew money manipulators, their banks, money houses, corrupt Presidents, Congressmen/women and U.S. Senators past and present.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
Betrayed: America’s Day of Reckoning Exposed
- by JL Yastine
- April 19, 2016
Knowing that this economist has met with and counseled the world’s most powerful leaders including former presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton, I immediately gave him my full attention.
“This is a bigger financial threat than Islamic terrorism or a Nuclear Iran,” he explained. Our fiercest enemies and closest allies have just formed a 57-nation alliance. They have one goal: to dethrone America as the world’s financial superpower.”
Taking documents from his briefcase, this man revealed how this “alliance” has already obtained a $47 trillion financial arsenal — 300% larger than that of the United States.
He exposed their exact plot, naming names and pulling reams of intelligence from his briefcase … diplomatic cables, photos, data sheets and more…
My stomach turned as he revealed why the financial fallout from this betrayal could equate to three Great Depressions — striking all at once — sending tens of millions of Americans from Starbucks lines to breadlines.
“Life savings will be vaporized by 80%. The stock market will plummet by 60%. Real estate will fall by 50%,” he warned. “Millions of seniors will go from luxurious retirement communities to government-sponsored nursing homes as Social Security and Medicare get slashed.”
He then handed me a video saying, “This reveals everything.”
I posted that exact video right here. Click here to watch it.
Editor’s Note: Simply click here to start your private viewing of this video presentation.
Word of this 57-nation alliance is already leaking out. Business Insider has called its actions “a massive embarrassment to Obama” and the Huffington Post called it “the end of the American century.”
A white paper distributed from yet another source describes the aftermath of their aggression's well:
You must watch this video now. It reveals…
- Who this rogue economist is (What he told Bill Clinton in 1989 will shock you, and how he predicted the 2000 and 2008 stock market collapse is terrifying)
- The 57 nations that make up this alliance and the aggressive move they made on Christmas Day
- Why Gold will soar to $10,000+ an ounce
- Most importantly, what you can do today to protect your family and finances.