You may ask yourself as to what is really taking place in Ukraine and America's C.I.A.'s doings
inside Ukraine. Read the excellent article below and all your
questions shall be answered, or at least most of your questions. Don't
believe your controlled Jew national controlled toilet T.V. news
outlets for any truth as to Ukraine, because there is no truth in them. None!
Enjoy the article below, because it is the most recent TRUTH being
brought to you at this time, like a breathe of fresh air. I also
suggest that you share with as
many others as possible. That is, if they can still read and comprehend what they read. Thank you.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
“Russian Invasion” – How long is screaming ‘Wolf!’ having an impact on Western public opinion? – Until Full Spectrum Dominance has been attained?
By Peter Koenig
Global Research, August 30, 2014

separatists are backed, trained, armed, financed by Russia. Russia
determined that it had to be a little more overt in what it had already
been doing, but it’s not really a shift.” Obama, 29 August 2014.
”If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.” - Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s Propaganda Minister)
most of us who are seeking the truth are primarily attempting to undo
the lies – lies umpteen times repeated, lies about “Russian invasions”,
first proclaimed by Poroshenko, Ukraine’s oligarch leader (sic), lies of
Russia “not respecting Ukraine’s sovereignty”, demonization directed
against President Putin, Malaysian airliners downed by Russia –
The latest accusation is
that JP Morgan and four other Wall Street banks have been hacked. And
the culprit is…. Of, course Russia, according to the presstitute MSM.
It doesn’t matter whether what Poroshenko said and is repeated the
world over was based on a translation error (according to the German
Tagesschau, the German mainstream TV news) – or whether it is just a
conventional lie continuously repeated until it becomes the truth à la
Goebbels – the western bought propaganda machine takes full advantage of
this hundreds of years old simple strategy of deception.
The interesting part, however, is that hardly anyone on that very
occasion is presenting the counter-weight, so to speak, namely to what
extent Kiev is assisted by U.S. paid mercenaries, CIA military and
strategic advisers and their equipment, all paid for in one way or
another by the State Department, CIA, or NATO. And these are facts. Not
inventions for deception.
There is enough proof about who caused the 22 February 2014 coup
(Maidan) – Madame Nuland, Kerry’s assistant, bragged about it at the
Washington Press club – remember the US $5 billion “investment” in
Ukraine’s regime change that cannot be let go down the drain because of
the f….ing Europeans. She was caught hot-handed or hot-voiced on the
phone with the US Ambassador in Kiev.
since that infamous coup, the US / NATO and the EU have had their dirty
hands in Kiev’s Nazi killer junta – otherwise the Kiev thugs would have
never had either the courage or the military knowledge to advance to
the Donbas area of Ukraine, where they were literally ordered to kill
their brothers. Some of them with some conscience defected early on;
then they were accompanied under threats of life by CIA ‘advisers’.
Eventually they defected by the thousands because of lack of food and
ammunition and the resulting low-low morale.
It is actually irrelevant
whether Russia has troops and armory in East Ukraine. In fact it would
be well justified for Russia to defend her countrymen from savage
slaughter, as many Donbas citizens are originally Russians. But – they
don’t, as Mr. Putin is too smart to spoil his diplomatic assets on a war
that is already lost by Kiev.
Be this as it may, why do
we, truth seekers, at a time of Obama’s lie exclamations and countless
media repetitions not present more frequently the US / NATO invasion in
Ukraine and their assistance to the Kiev murderers, rather than always
being on the defensive, undoing lies in defense of Russia?
The truth of what the
US-NATO killing machine, its vassal EU states and its paid mercenaries
are up to in Ukraine, and that they won’t let go regardless of what
Obama mutters to tranquilize the world — the truth is in one way or
another Washington is committed to its financial and corporate elite to
achieve Full Spectrum Dominance, meaning complete subjugation of
the world to Washington’s masters, the military-security industrial
complex and the war financing monetary system – FED-Wall Street-IMF, the
latter being a mere extension of the US Treasury.
The Endgame means
encircling Russia and China with more NATO bases, including Ukraine and
Moldova, as close as possible to Moscow’s doorsteps; and, foreseen by
2015, with 60% of the US naval fleet in the South China Sea.
should not be detracted
by the day-to-day details and lies, by the fires that flare up here and
there, though all horrible, killing thousands of people; we should not
be confused by ‘who is doing what?’ – But rather focus on the Big Picture,
the intentions behind the US / NATO killing machine, not so much by
denying the obvious lies, but rather by describing actual facts and the
long-term strategy behind them.
Obama screamed again
‘wolf’ today, literally shouting – ‘Russia has invaded Ukraine, Russia’s
military and equipment are in Ukraine, Russia is funding the
separatists’ — then adds, ‘but it’s not in the cards for America to
intervene now.’
Don’t be fooled. Obama and his masters won’t go away. He
says the same about American intervention in Syria – it’s not the right
time, while arming and bombing (as a disguise) at the same time ISIS,
created and funded in 2007 by Washington under successively different
names to further confuse the public at large. At that time they came out
of Turkey as Syrian Freedom Fighters, later they converted into the Al’Nusra
Front of rebels, and now they are the ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria, also called the Islamic State of the Levant.
This will do until the
public needs to be again confused with a new group of Islamic terrorists
to justify continuous wars on terror – to feed continuously the fat
profit accounts of the eternal war lords. But only, if we the people let
them confuse and deceive and divide us.
the same time, Washington’s warmonger-in-chief, encourages his EU
puppets to intervene and sending their troops into Ukraine, and imposing
still more ‘sanctions’ on Russia. Let Europe take the hit if there is
war. Not for nothing are NATO bases spiked throughout Europe, convenient
targets for Russian missiles. – One could wonder – are the Europeans
blind or just don’t care – or their leaders (sic) bought to the point
where they hope to just disappear to America’s paradise when Russian
rockets hit their countries’ NATO bases – and let their people smolder
under nuclear dust?
the 99.99% have all the powers to stop these U.S. instigated murderous
aggressions, by rejecting the continuously lying and deceiving
propaganda machine, by rejecting and refusing to listen to the corporate
presstitute media.
A few weeks ago there was hope that German Chancellor Merkel would see the light, would abandon the bandwagon of the ‘sanctioners’,
because not only did she get a lot of pressure from German
industrialists, but also the German people are worried about their
energy supply – especially this coming winter. Germany depends by up to
40% on Russia for their energy supplies.
we were wrong. Madame Merkel bent over backwards to please Obama. The
naked emperor convinced her not to leave his sinking ship. – What does
he have up his imaginary sleeve? Anything he may have discovered by
eavesdropping on her cellphone conversations? – So strong to sway her
away from reason to the detriment of all of Europe? – These
latest sanctions are backlashing on the EU, especially the farmers, a
multiple times harder than they hit Russia. European agriculture and
mostly small farmers, are losing billions of euros worth on stalled
exports to Russia of meat, vegetables, fruit and other food stuff,
because Russia retaliated by blocking imports from the EU. Russia is now
establishing new trade routes with Latin America.
18 September Obama will meet at the White House with Poroshenko, to be
sure he stays in line and doesn’t sway Putin’s way, because corrupt
oligarchs tend to be not very reliable. Obama may promise him premature
entry to NATO and all the fake fiat dollars that come with it.
It would not be a surprise if Obama were also to receive Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the
leader of the ‘new’ ISIS caliphate, to assure him of America’s
continuous support, if he lets him bomb them, the ISIS troops that is,
ever so often, just for show and to confuse the public mind – and, of
course, as a disguise to bomb Syria to eventually topple Baschar
al-Assad for – regime change.
Obama may also promise the ISIS a key role in the new Syrian government – provided he succeeds in regime change
(for now unlikely) – similar as he did to the ‘rebels’ and other
Islamic fractions of Libya. What Obama needs are not well-organized new
regimes, but civil wars, fighting sections of societies to keep
populations dying, and those still alive on their toes, fighting for
their daily survival and fleeing across borders into refugee camps of
other lands, thereby swallowing up neighboring countries resources and
creating anger in the local population – the old divide to rein tactic.
The Big Picture
is important. The people need to see it, the End Game – what is
expecting them, if they – we, the 99.99% – are not taking actions to
prevent Full Spectrum Dominance from succeeding.
Peter Koenig
is an economist and former World Bank staff. He worked extensively
around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He
writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, the Voice of Russia and other internet sites. He is the author of 'Implosion'
– An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and
Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank
experience around the globe.