The Third Row? More Disgrace By Marxist Communist Obama Against Our Military & Their Loved Ones

The very sad part about this post is, that ALL of you who watch this 6
minute video will NOT forward it to those they are connected with.
Most will take a look t it, and then delete it because it may be
controversial, or they are afraid of the commie boogie man in the White
house.  This is a video of total disgrace against the Marxist Communist
Obama and members present of the Democratic Communist Party of
the United States.  Period!!  And that is the problem with the country in
which we live today. Most are not willing to admit how bad things are
right now, and are unwilling to step up and be heard. Think about this,
then pull up your boot straps or whatever, and get busy and forward it
to everyone you know.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom