Has the U.S. government and military been poisoning the population of the United States since 1990?  Yes, it has.  No more beating around the bush on this subject matter.  The proof is in the pudding, and below you are finally going to get the pudding of this truth.  Question.  How many of you have lost loved ones over this liquid poison coming down from the sky, and/or getting very sick, compliments of your government?
Dr. James P. Wickstrom


The word "chemtrails" was not invented by a conspiracy theorist, it was invented by the U.S. Air Force.


A microfiche has been found in the Oklahoma Library system of an Air Force manual dating back to 1990, which uses the word "Chemtrails" in its title and describes the various experiments pilots will be conducting
with the aerosol release of various noxious substances
, some relating to cloud-seeding and weather modification such as silver iodide and others, in conjunction with the HAARP project, such as barium-fluoride.


The spraying of toxic barium salts in the atmosphere relates to scalar weapons systems (HAARP), which behave like targeted gravitational fields and act as anti-ballistic shields.

Click the links below for a more comprehensive list of toxic chemicals that have been released by the U.S. Air Force upon an unsuspecting public in the United States since at least 1990, which in turn has caused many illnesses, and many of those illnesses leading to the death of those infected.  This is government genocide against 'We the People'.  We have prisons for those who are responsible for this.
Video (about 8 mins):

US Air Force Academy Chemtrail Manual
