
My lecture that you will hear below exposes the Jew Communist Sovietizing of the United States. Allow yourself to get out of the present Communist Political, and religious box and listen to the truth for once. I'm sure you'll be able to put the pieces together. Please advise others to come and listen to this extremely important information concerning the destruction of our country from within.

Dr. James P. Wickstrom

"The Sovietizing of America"

14 April 2003

Part One

Part Two


Stay Tuned To This One, Obama & Hillary Clinton Both May Be Thrown Under The Jew Bus

It is starting to appear that the Jews are preparing to throw their 'communist diaper baby' Marxist Communist Obama  under a Jew owned and driven bus.  Apparently, Obama's usefulness to the Jews in the United States and the phoney state of Israeli is coming to an end.  When Martin Luther Kings usefulness came to an end, remember what they did to him.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

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The REAL reason why the MSM suddenly hyping 'Benghazi-Gate'
American Icon Henry Ford
"And if after having elected their man or group, obedience is not rendered to the Jewish control, then you speedily hear of "scandals" and "investigations" and "impeachments" for the removal of the disobedient."
- Henry Ford, Quoted From 'The International Jew' 
In 1997-98, the Zionist (Jew) Mafia urges Bill Clinton to stop talking with Palestinian leader Arafat, and to invade Iraq. When Clinton refuses, there comes, out of nowhere, the "Monica Lewinsky scandal." Clinton is impeached and greatly weakened during his 2nd term. On the very day of his impeachment, Clinton bombs Iraq!

In 2002, George Bush appears to waiver in the face of (Jew) Zionist demands to invade Iraq. Many in his own Party, including House Majority Leader Dick Armey are openly opposed to going to war (Armey was later driven out of his leadership position). To show Bush who is boss, the (Jew) Zionist media begins whispering about oil-man Bush having links to 'The Enron Scandal' (a Texas oil company). In 2003, Bush delivers for the (Jew) Zionists, the invasion of Iraq that they had wanted so badly. The 'Enron Scandal' fades away, and the obedient Bush is rewarded with a 2nd term.
And now, with Obama dragging his feet in going to war against (Jew) Zionist enemies (and Russian allies!) Syria, Iran, and Chinese backed North Korea, the formerly Obama loving Marxist Media is suddenly joining forces with (Jew) neo-con FOX News in exposing 'The Benghazi Scandal.'
The media have always ignored the dirt on Obama, why are they attacking him now?
CBS turning on Obama? (CBS CEO Les Moonves is a nephew of Israel's 1st President; David Ben Gurion!
This is not to suggest that Clinton's perversions / perjury, or the Enron accounting scandal, or the Benghazi cover-up were not serious offenses......but isn't it funny how these (Jew) Zio-media hyped 'scandals' always seem to blow up just when Israel can benefit from them?

The Jew and Black Communist Movement in the U.S.

The DVD has been divided into 6 parts of approximately 16 minutes each. These are .mp4's and are full quality videos that are suitable for building new DVD's.

Click Link Below

The Black and Jew Communist Movement in the U.S.
