
My lecture that you will hear below exposes the Jew Communist Sovietizing of the United States. Allow yourself to get out of the present Communist Political, and religious box and listen to the truth for once. I'm sure you'll be able to put the pieces together. Please advise others to come and listen to this extremely important information concerning the destruction of our country from within.

Dr. James P. Wickstrom

"The Sovietizing of America"

14 April 2003

Part One

Part Two


Marxist Communist Comrade Is Trying To Buy Votes With Taxpayer Money

It never seems to stop.  Obama can't get away from using his Chicago gangster style politics that he loves so much.  This shows and proves how desperate Obama really is.  Remember, it's YOUR tax money that Obama wants to give away to buy off Lockheed Martin and the 123,000 defense workers that are planned for lay-off.  Please share this article with as many people as you can.  Thank you!
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Lockheed Martin had planned to lay off 123,000 defense workers. The law requires Lockheed to give 60-day notice to all to-be-fired employees within 60 days. That drop dead date would be November 1st. Since this would be bad for the election, Obama has promised that our government would cover all Lockheed severance packages to fired employees if Lockheed would not release the names and locations of those losing their jobs until after the election!

Send this to all you know since this may not show up in the news. This posting is from a defense contract newspaper called The Hill. Read details below:


How Is Anyone Going To Dispute This Information?

For all of you "Bible" students who like to study the truth, here is something to sink your teeth into and share with as many people as you can.  You wonder as to why America has problems today?  Watch this short video very carefully and you will be given an answer.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Did The Christ Reveal the Name of the Anti-Christ

This video simply reveals what is written in the Bible's original language without the translations.

This Is The Marxist Communist Obama Way, Right?

Marxist Communist Obama Caught In Another Outright Lie

Marxist comrade Obama can run but he can't hide from the terrible lies that he told as to what happened in Libya, and to the murder of the American's there.  Watch and listen to the scolding of Obama and the exposure of Obama's lies by Judge Jeanine Pirro.  Marxist communist Obama is the greatest liar that has ever sit foot in Washington, D.C.
Dr. James P. Wicktrom

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 02:27 AM PDT
Nothing more needs be said. Simply watch this video of Judge Jeanine Pirro laying out a very clear case for the guilt of Barack Obama and his administration regarding the Benghazi Massacre and cover-up…
This should be a "storm" everyone will remember, and it couldn't happen in a nicer place.  One of the most corrupt area's in America where all the crooked banksters and politicians lie, steal, and scam the masses out of their hard earned money.  Time to sit back and watch live... the greatest show on earth at this time.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Fox News Alert ~ October 29, 2012

Report of Atlantic City under water, 26 foot wave offshore. Sandy coming faster, beats cold front to shore. Hurricane Sandy will be ashore any time now as 1 million without power already on the East Coast.

Fox News

This Is Just The First Great Warning Against The Ungodly

One of my immediate 'sources' has just informed me that the wind has picked up to 93 M.P.H. with this "storm," and will continue to do so.  Many predict that it will hit either Washington, D.C. or right into New York City.  The majority of the crooked politicians and banksters who reside in both areas... surely deserve this and much, much more.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Hurricane Sandy's Menacing Size on Earth Revealed in Satellite Photos

By Tariq Malik | SPACE.com
This NOAA satellite image taken Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012 shows Hurricane Sandy off the Mid Atlantic coastline moving toward the north with maximum sustained winds of 75 mph. Tens of thousands of people were ordered to evacuate coastal areas Sunday as big cities and small towns across the U.S. Northeast braced for the onslaught of a superstorm threatening some 60 million people along the most heavily populated corridor in the nation. (AP Photo/Weather Underground)
Associated Press/Weather Underground - This NOAA satellite image taken Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012 shows Hurricane Sandy off the Mid Atlantic coastline moving toward the north with maximum sustained winds of 75 mph. …more

Marxist Communist Obama Must Go, Or America Will Be Destroyed From Within In The Next 4 Years

Mitt Romney 52 percent 342 electoral votes projected at UnSkewedPolls.com

The projection of the presidential race from QStarNews/UnSkewedPolls.com
The projection of the presidential race from QStarNews/UnSkewedPo

Full Length Presentation By Dr. James P. Wickstrom

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Kennewick Man
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  White Mummies of Tarin Basin

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200,000 Work Permits For Illegal Criminal Aliens, When Millions Of American's Are Out Of Work

NumbersUSA Newsletter

  This Issue: 200,000 illegal aliens (and counting) apply for work permits while millions of Americans continue their search for work

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced this week that 200,000 illegal aliens have applied for the Administration's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that grants a temporary amnesty and the possibility of a work permit to illegal aliens who claim they were brought to the U.S. at a young age. She also said that more than 3,000 illegal aliens are filing new applications each day.
Unfortunately, that's about all we know about DACA!
Despite numerous attempts by both House and Senate leaders to learn more about how DACA decisions are made and exactly how many individuals are at each stage of the process, DHS officials have been less than eager to release the information.
That's why we've created a new website -- DACAFacts.com -- that tracks the number of applications submitted and processed and will post answers to specific questions posed by Congress -- that is if we get any answers. The goal of the website is to keep the public informed about what we know and don't know about DACA hopefully pressuring DHS to release more details.
You can do your part by sharing the website link and the information on the site to your family and friends:

The 'Documents' & 'Truth' Is Never For 'We The People'.

So here we have document and truth that is being held back due to loyalty to the 'Democratic Party'.  How about some documents and truth for the American people?  It's always the political party, and to hell with the American people.  But this article and news in itself ... should help sink Marxist Comrade Obama at the polls.  That is .... if the the American voters pull their heads out of their rectums soon enough and get rid of him.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom


Ed Klein: Bill Clinton ‘Urging’ Hillary to Release Benghazi Documents That Would ‘Exonerate’ Her & Destroy Obama’s Re-Election Hopes

  Posted on October 25, 2012

                  Klein: Bill Clinton Urging Hillary to Rel

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered additional security for the U.S. mission in Benghazi ahead of the terrorist attack but the orders were never carried out, according to “legal counsel” to Clinton who spoke to best-selling author Ed Klein.
Those same sources also say former President Bill Clinton has been “urging” his wife to release official State Department documents that prove she called for additional security at the compound in Libya, which would almost certainly result in President Obama losing the election.
Appearing on TheBlazeTV'’s “'Wilkow'” on Wednesday night, Klein told host Andrew Wilkow that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been having “big fights” for “two or three weeks” about the issue, according to his two sources on Clinton’s legal counsel. While Bill Clinton wishes his wife would “exonerate” herself by releasing the documents that show she wasn'’t at fault for the tragic security failure in Libya, the secretary of state refuses to do so because she doesn't want to be viewed as a traitor to the Democratic party.

On Glenn Beck’s radio show earlier on Wednesday, Klein said his information comes from two “very good” sources.

Wilkow pointed out the obvious, that the Obamas and the Clintons have a “very behind the scenes, tense relationship” — to put it lightly.

Another U.S. Auto Company To Communist China?

How many more auto companies does the United States have to give communist Rad China before we have none left in America?  I believe this is the ploy under Marxist Comrade Obama and all his Jew communist handlers, and always has been.  To fully destroy the U.S. from within financially.  But my question is this:  Where are all the UAW union auto workers to protest the taking away of their jobs?  Why are they not in the streets demanding that this not take place?  Instead, they are cuddled in their union halls with their majority Jew labor union leaders getting all geeked up to vote for Obama.  Insanity to say the least!
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Stats from the Marxist communist destroyer of America from within.  Why doesn't comrade Obama brag on T.V. of this outstanding success?  Because an idiot is an idiot, no matter what political office he holds, even President.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom 

Description: cid:part6.00000701.06090502@cox.net

Can Everybody Read This Truth & FActs? I Hope So!

If This Wasn't So Sick & Sad, It Might Be Funny

Who gives one tinkers damn what this liar and insult to the office of President of these united States has to say.  He should have been thrown out onto 16th Avenue after he was impeached.  Another liar siding with the greatest liar ever in the White House, one Marxist communist Obama.  And the U.S. taxpayers still pay this liar's salary and the salary of the Secret Service who are to protect him until he dies.  Are we nuts or are we nuts?
Dr. James P. Wickstrom 

Bill Clinton was disbarred from practicing law in Arkansas and was also disbarred from practicing law in front of the Supreme Court over the Lewinski incident.

He also paid a $25,000.00 fine over the Lewinski incident. He also paid an $850,000.00 settlement over the Lewinski incident.
He was also fined $90,000 for giving false testimony in the Paula Jones case.

So Bill Clinton, a disbarred lawyer, a President who was fined for lying under oath, asks the American people to believe him when he says the best thing for the Country is 4 more years of Obama.

Just wanted to make sure I had it right!

The Jews Just Cannot Stop Murdering The Innocent Everywhere

The Jews just cannot stop from killing the innocent, and yet at the same time ... whine that it is they who are targeted and are persecuted.  I ask, what kind of cheese do the Jews want with their whine?  After a while, it gets rather sickening as to how they can slaughter, murder, and maim without getting their asses kicked good, once and for all.  Remember the U.S.S. Liberty and the many U.S. Navy who were attacked and MURDERED and wounded by the lying Jews.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mossad Behind Latest Beirut Bombing

On October 19, Israeli Mossad car bombing killed Lebanese internal security chief Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan near Sassine Square in Beirut’s predominantly Christian district of Ashrafiya.

Wissam al-Hassan, a close Sunni ally of President Michel Sulaiman, had recently earthed an Israeli spy cell in Lebanon. The deadly blast killed 8 people and injured another 78, mostly Lebanese Christians.

American Jewish film-maker, political commentator and former personal secretary of Bertrand Russell, Ralph Schoeman 77, told Iranian Press TV that the bombing has all marks of Israeli Mossad.

As 1992 to today in the day bombing of Beirut the identical scenario, who benefits from attempting to divide Lebanon and spread the turmoil, who benefits destabilizing the government in Damascus, who states to destabilize Beirut and subject Lebanon to civil war, the Zionist regime, the Mossad. It is a classical operation of Mossad,” he said.

Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizballah, has condemned the bombing. The pro-USrael opposition group March 14 lead by Sa’ad Hariri called for the resignation of Lebanese prime minister Najib Mikati, which he did – but Lebanese president Michel Sulaiman refused to accept it saying that Mikati cannot be blamed for the security breach. Both Hariri and Mikati are Sunni billionaires and are not connected to Hizballah in any way. Hizballah is member of the ruling March 8 Alliance.

It seems, the Zionist regime is playing its old covert operations to pit Lebanese against each other. It carried a similar car bombing
to assassinate Rafik Hariri in February 2005. It was part of Israeli soft revolution before its invasion of Lebanon in Summer 2006
However, to western powers’ great surprise – the Jewish army met its first major military defeat at the hands of Hizballah fighters.

Israel and western Arab puppet rulers are trying to influence the June 2013 parliamentary election by the western-sponsored armed insurgency in neighboring Syria. In March 2012, United Nations’ envoy for the Middle East, Israel-Firster Jew Jeffrey Feltman told pro-Israel-Saudi, ‘Lebanese American Organization’ that Hizballah and its allies will be defeated in June 2013 election.

However, the recent Hizballah’s successful launching of a
spy drone over Israel proves that the Jewish army is to face worse surprises than it faced in 2006.

Source:  Mossad behind latest Beirut bombing
Related Posts : Israel, Mossad, Terrorism, Zionists

Obama To Put The Screws To The Elderly & Retired

Here is what is in store for the elderly in the United States should Marxist communist Obama get re-elected.  I am talking about your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents who are still alive.  Plus millions of the masses in America who will soon turn 62 and retire.  You had best heed the information below and share it with as many people that you can.  Thank you.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

A Message From Blue Cross Blue Shield To ALL AMERICANS .. ..
November 6, 2012 will be the most important date that will affect the rest of your life ... The Choice Is Yours.

A message from Blue Cross Blue Shield
Professor Emeritus John W. Hill, JD, PhD
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

Look clearly at the 2014 rate compared to the 2013 rate.

For those of you who are on Medicare, read the following. It's short, but important and you probably haven't heard about it in the Mainstream News:

"The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the present Monthly Fee of
$96.40, rising to:

$104.20 in  2012

$120.20 in 2013


$247.00 in 2014."
These are Provisions incorporated in the Obamacare Legislation, purposely delayed so as not to confuse the 2012 Re-Election Campaigns. Send this to all Seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the bus.

Those On The Outside Looking In Tell It More Truthful

There are times when the masses in these united States have to go to outside their country to news articles from other nations to get a better look at what is taking place against them, due to the massive controls that the Jews in America have over the major national and state news outlets.  This is one of those times.  The reason for the great confusion that the people have in America have as to what is taking place, is because they are being lied to each and every day by these same Jew "news" outlets as well as the politicans they have elected and paid to keep them safe and informed.  The article below lays it right on the line ... no hidden punches, no double-talk, and by far.... no B.S. like you have rammed down your throats daily and for most of your lives.  Enjoy and share with others.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

USA: Big decision time

USA: Big decision time. 48309.jpeg
There are times when an election is simply a choice between two parties, more or less the same, slightly left or right of centre; there are times when an election is a waste of time and it doesn't make a difference which way you vote; there are times when it is up to each and every individual to make their vote count and 2012 is one of those years.

There are those who somehow manage to get their articles printed in reputable international newspapers, claiming that a vote for Obama is a vote for "murder" or "destroying America" or "lack of freedom" but then again there are those who trick their way into the homes of the stupid and gullible selling dreams and promising the Earth in exchange for a pay-check or a pledge to clean the windows once a month.

They never turn up again, just like the "birther" tsunami which peaked a few months ago and has whittled down to nothing after being shouted down from all sides of the political spectrum. The "birthers" claimed that President Obama was not eligible to stand for office, despite the fact that he would have been vetted by everyone, by every newspaper and journalist, from the day they announced he was a candidate.

These same people support Mitt Romney. Who? You know, the gaffe guy, the one who opens his mouth and insults people, or accuses them of things they never did. In short, a foul-mouthed oaf, a wannabe President with no credentials beyond the Governorship level.
Peter Principle and the US elections
Dr. Laurence Johnston Peter (1919-1990) wrote The Peter Principle in 1969, collaborating with Raymond Hull, in which he formulated the Peter Principle, namely: "in a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence." Applying this to US politics, Barack Obama has risen to the top of the political pile and he has done so competently.

Mitt Romney, without this competence, without Barack Obama's skills, wants to be there, and so do those ousted elements from the Bush regime dying to get back in. Rumour has it that Senator McCain is ear-marked for Secretary of State. Ask a Nam Veteran what they think of McCain and then decide whether this Bush regime remnant is the perfect external image of the US of A.

Governor Romney's position in the Peter Principle is...Governor Romney. Not President Romney. Everyone knows it, the Obama freeze in debate number one gave rise to some flights of fantasy (OK Barack Obama is better at being President than debating maybe, and so?)...and so we can conclude that he is better at handling the extremely difficult conditions bequeathed to him by the Republican Bush regime than at making an idiot of himself in televised debates getting everything wrong, as Mitt the Twit does.

Time for Responsibility
The American people are famous for a lot of things, infamous for a lot of others. One of the latter is being fat and stupid, a ridiculous assumption from the ignorant and idiotic in Europe who should try and get into an American University, and then call them stupid, or go around at seven in the morning and call those power-walking up and down the sidewalks fat.

The American people may be a lot of things, and being so many and with so many ethnic origins, thankfully they are, but collectively, stupid they are not.

They know how to weigh up what President Obama has done, in the face of dreadful economic problems inherited from the Republican Bush regime and they know very well that they do not want to go back there again.

See, Romney can promise the Earth, but remember Bush Senior's "Read my lips", "No more taxes"?

Right, same old, same old Grand Old Party. The same Grand Old Party which just four years ago had the United States of America synonymous with sodomy, illegal detention, rape, urination in food, sleep deprivation, murder, torture, water-boarding, concentration camps...

And on a more serious note, would YOU trust a guy who has never had a glass of beer in his life? Or says he hasn't...
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Exposing More Of The Biggest Liar Ever In The White House

Chicago Rules
As we get closer and closer to the 2012 election, it's important to remember The Rules we play by. The Rules are taken from the Chicago playbook of rules where they are simply known as... Chicago Rules. Chicago Rules are illustrated by the six photographs below:

Rod Blagojevich is the former Illinois Governor who tried to sell Obama's seat in Congress.
Obama was asked by the press if he had ever met Gov. Rod Blagojevich.   Obama replied: "I only saw Rod Blagojevich one time...and that was in the stands and from a distance at a Chicago Bears Football Game."  Of course, you can believe him - he's our President.
The picture below?  That's irrelevant.
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(Photo: Reuters)  Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama, and
Richard Daley during a rally in Chicago, April 16, 2007.    
Note:  Rahm Emanuel has replaced Daley as Mayor!
And Daley's brother has replaced Rahm as a chief adviser
to the president. But you don't need to know all this...

 Description: f64b569.jpg
Rahm Emanuel, the Jew - the new Mayor of Chicago.
You have to understand "the world according to Chicago."
Chicago is almost a completely different country when it comes to politics. Chicago even has a different set of morals and language.
There are three rules and a Prime Directive:
RULE #1.   No matter what you see, hear, or do -- you don't know anybody & you know nothing!   
RULE #2.   If you capture something on tape or camera -- it reveals nothing!  
RULE #3.   If you know what everybody else in Chicago knows -- you still know nothing.
The PRIME DIRECTIVE...No matter what the vote, Democrats always win.

Now pay close attention! It's very simple.  Remember, you know nothing.  
  Description: f64b5c7.jpg  
These two?  They never met!  Obama said they didn't.

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These two? Who are they? 
The guy on the left?  He's Santa Claus. 
And the guy on the right...he's the Easter Bunny!  
That's all you need to know. 

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These two? Don't ask.
Remember Jimmy Hoffa?  He knew too much. Where is he now? Don't ask.  Do you understand?  Don't look at these pictures!  Remember, you've already forgotten them...

Description: f64b672.jpg 
Do you understand? They don't know each other and they never met!
How is that possible?  BECAUSE OBAMA SAID SO!  And - don't - you - fergit - it!
(By the way...how's all that "Hope and Change" working out for you?) 

Once A Liar, Always A Liar

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 12:54 PM

Figures Lie And Obama The Communist Marxist Figures

Figures Lie and Liars Figure, as the saying goes. Marxist Obama wouldn't lie to you, would he?  Paper lies still and he can put anything on it.  The Great Depression had 25% unemployment. Using that 1933 model we have over 38% unemployment today.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Remember, Remember the sixth of November... Marxist communist Obama, his cabinet, and the communist Democratic Party of the U.S. who have done this to America.

And Just Where Do All Sides Stand At This Time?

Plenty of experts warned Bush that when all the shooting and dying of American soldiers, both men and women was over, and Saddam was gone, the country would side with Iran, not the USA.  That is happening.  I hope nobody thought Iraq was going to get a new Thomas Jefferson type democracy!!  Saddam held the country together, all religions........when we removed him, the radicals took over and Iran stepped in.  Face it, the war was never worth it, all it did was get oil for the Jews, along with a new Central bank of Rothchild.  Such a deal for all our dead and wounded, and the massive financial drain on America.  Note that in the area, Iran is still Persia and Iraq is Mesopotania (Ancient Babylon & Assyria).  It is going to be very interesting to see how this has played out.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Iran and Iraq to sign defense cooperation document

Iran and Iraq to sign defense
 cooperation document. 48179.jpeg
On Thursday, the Iranian Minister of Defense and his Iraqi counterparts, Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi and Saadoun al-Dulaimi, respectively, signed a document of bilateral cooperation in the defense field. According to the paper, the execution of these agreements will deepen even further the relations of the two countries.

According to the paper, based on previous letters of understanding signed between Tehran and Baghdad, the execution of these agreements will deepen even further the relations of the two countries in other fields, and will contribute to regional peace and stability. Also, during the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on relevant issues in the region.

During his official visit to Baghdad, Brigadier General Vahidi met with senior officials of the country, including President Jalal TalabaniAlso on Thursday, the Iraqi president, noting the importance of the Persian minister's trip to Iraq, described as solid and secure the relationships that support the governments in Tehran and Baghdad.

During this visit, which was conducted in compliance with an official invitation of Saadoun al-Dulaimi, Vahidi also met with Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama Nujaifi, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of Islamic Supreme Assembly, Seyed Amar al-Hakim.

It is worth mentioning that this is the first trip by a Persian defense minister to the Mesopotamian country after the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979.

Translated from Spanish by:
Lisa Karpova

Marxist Comrade Obama DID NOT GIVE THE GREEN LIGHT To Get bin Laden

Finally all the wash is hung out to dry, and the TRUTH comes out concerning Obama and more of Marxist Obama's lies to the American masses.  It is one lie after the other, to be covered up by more lies.  I have stated over and over, that it is my opinion that comrade Marxist Obama is one of the greatest liars who has ever set foot in Washington, D.C..
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

'Oblivious' Obama not behind Osama raid
Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely reveals name of leader who authorized operation
October 11, 2012


The decision to raid Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and kill him was made without President Obama – and actually was kept from him until after the helicopters already were in Pakistani airspace – according to a new report from a retired major general who cites a senior intelligence source.

The raid was handled by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta and others in this way because Obama had vetoed multiple earlier opportunities to attack the man behind the 9/11 terror attacks, the report said.

The report comes from U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, who retired in 1993 as deputy commanding general, Pacific Command, and has served as a senior military analyst for Fox News. He is now chairman of Stand Up America, which calls itself the standard bearer for the conservancy of the U.S. Constitution.

The group has briefed the FBI, Congress, law enforcement and other agencies on terrorism and “anything that affects the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of our citizenry and way of life.”

In a column published today by WND, Vallely said a “senior and sensitive intelligence community source” affirmed to a Stand Up America research team that Obama “did not know of the raid in Abbottabad to kill Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011, until after the helicopters with SEAL Team 6 had crossed into Pakistani airspace.”

The source said Obama was notified “at the golf course … which is why he was sitting in the strange sitting position in the picture that documented the White House operations room event.”

The source told Stand Up America that Panetta “was the key player who organized and supported this daring raid.”

“He signed the ‘execute orders’ with only a few people aware: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Adm. Bill Mullen and Gen. David Petraeus.”

The source explained the White House “was closed out of the decision because the president, through Valerie Jarrett, had turned down two or three other earlier proposals.”

Panetta, Vallely’s source reported, “and his covert planning team were extremely frustrated at all the denials, so saw the opportunity slipping away, as implausible as it seems.”

The report said Panetta convinced his other principals to make the decision and received their full-fledged support but the president, according to the official, “remained clueless on the mission.”

This tremendously serious and sensitive information was relayed by a source who has been very frustrated with the continued dishonesty within the White House,” Vallely reported.

Vallely, who served in Vietnam and retired in 1991 from the U.S. Army as deputy commanding general for the Pacific, previously has called for “We the People” to stop the nation’s “progressive socialist, treasonous death march.”

He graduated from West Point and was commissioned in the Army in 1961. He served in theaters in Europe and the Pacific Rim and saw two tours of combat duty in Vietnam.

CBS has reported that “Obama’s decision to send operatives after Osama bin Laden” was described by White House counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan as “one of the most gutsiest calls of any president.”

However, the Mail Online in London reported a book by Richared Miniter documented that three “kill” missions were canceled by Obama in January, February and March of 2011.

The SEAL mission was in May 2011.

Miniter reported it was Jarrett who kept urging Obama to cancel plans to get bin Laden.

The Ulsterman Report blog earlier said Obama did not make the attack decision.

That blog said, “He can say he did and the people who really know what happened are inside the Pentagon, are in the military and the military isn’t allowed to speak out against the commander-in-chief so his secret is safe.”

The Jew and Black Communist Movement in the U.S.

The DVD has been divided into 6 parts of approximately 16 minutes each. These are .mp4's and are full quality videos that are suitable for building new DVD's.

Click Link Below

The Black and Jew Communist Movement in the U.S.
