
My lecture that you will hear below exposes the Jew Communist Sovietizing of the United States. Allow yourself to get out of the present Communist Political, and religious box and listen to the truth for once. I'm sure you'll be able to put the pieces together. Please advise others to come and listen to this extremely important information concerning the destruction of our country from within.

Dr. James P. Wickstrom

"The Sovietizing of America"

14 April 2003

Part One

Part Two


Comrade Marxist Obama and his involvement In The Nation Of Kenya & the 'Mau Mau' Blood Oath

Yes, we are talking about the same Comrade Marxist Obama who sits in the White House in Washington, D.C.. Make no doubt about it. Click on the 7 minute video below and the 'links' and learn a lot more of just what Marxist Obama is involved in. It is time for all this truth to come forth. You won't be sorry!! Share this information with as many as possible. Thank you.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Abel Danger presents an excerpt from our 29 November 2011 discussion. A short clip with David Hawkins discussing the Mau Mau oath-taking ceremonies, Barack Obama's grandfather and Kenya. David Hawkins concludes with Maurice Strong's influence via the Mau Mau Oath and Barry "Obama" Soetoro aiding and abetting a Kenya genocide involving Raila Odinga, soon after Barack Obama's visit to Kenya in 2008.

"We've really got a situation where the enemy is deeply embedded, well camouflaged, it's using advanced military grade encryption system, and it's able to take a legitimate process, let's say a war game exercise, and mount what they call a 'man in the middle attack' and than attribute it to any party or faction, which is intimidated by these oath-taking ceremonies.."

-David Hawkins

Mau Mau Blood Oath-Starring Barack Obama and Maurice Strong

Obama Mau Mau
Obama's Kenya ghosts and his "Cousin Raila Odinga"
Kenya Elections

Credits to:
William Cooper - Amazing Lecture [Lansing, Michigan, 1996] - GoodFightUploads
Obama and Odinga Campaign in Kenya - billdemo2
Kenya Crisis - spartan2897

The Jew and Black Communist Movement in the U.S.

The DVD has been divided into 6 parts of approximately 16 minutes each. These are .mp4's and are full quality videos that are suitable for building new DVD's.

Click Link Below

The Black and Jew Communist Movement in the U.S.
