No more lies, and no more hiding in the closet by Marxist Obama regarding his birth certificate. Here is one heck of a book that one MUST READ to understand that there are LEGAL Qualifications that must be adhered too, in order to LAWFULLY become President of the united States. Make sure you click on the bottom and watch a short video regarding this book and the information contained in it. There have been many liars and crooks in politics in Washington, D.C. over the years, but comrade Obama takes the grand prize.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
It's the kind of news the Obama administration dreads: The book that caused such a sensation even before its official launch that the White House felt pressured to preemptively release the president's purported birth certificate - Jerome Corsi's "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President" - is now officially a New York Times best-seller.